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Litumba - we be family

Welcome to Litumba, the online platform for Bakwerians to connect, network, and grow together socially and economically.

Our offers

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Litumba offers you the opportunity to post and find jobs within the Bakwerian lands. this is to reduce the rate of unemployment and make human resources to businesses

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Here, you also have the possibility of giving more visibility to your brand and business by creating a representative on the Litumba platform , this will generate a lot of traffic.

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Products are also given attention, you have the possibility of posting different products that you might need to sell and also find others which you might buy from around you.

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With Litumba, you can make available your services to the Bakwerian family , and also find talent for your needs, Litumba is a platform of exchange , find business opportunities .

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Real Estate

Bakwerians need more power on their lands and estate properties, here at Litumba you make public your real estate deals so that other Bakwerians can profit from them.

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Cultural Groups

Without forgetting Culture, we have space for cultural groups, here, cultural groups can notify their existence and by so doing, gain more members and partners.

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Let's get connected to each other,lets join as a family and grow beyond boundaries.

Our mission

Connect us

We want to connect our people across the Bakwere land and make it possible for our brothers and sisters to have access to all resources available for them.


among our priorities is the ability of our users to network among them selves and create new alliances for our social and economic growth.

Cultural awareness

In addition to the cultural groups that allow for the representations of our divers cultural groups in the platform, Litumba is also going to have a catalog where a lot will be made available about the Bakwerian culture and history.

Real estate

At Litumba we also want to promote the acquisition of real estate properties by the Bakwerians in order to give more land power to the Bakwerian people

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